How to Find the Right Keywords to Beat the ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

How to Find the Right Keywords to Beat the ATS (Applicant Tracking System)

In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume is essential. However, it’s no longer enough to simply have a strong work history or impressive skills. With companies increasingly using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter and rank job applicants, finding and using the right keywords has become a critical part of the job application process.

If your resume doesn’t contain the right keywords, it may never reach a hiring manager. In this guide, we’ll explore how to find the right keywords to optimize your resume for the ATS and significantly improve your chances of landing an interview.

Table of Contents

Main TopicSubtopic
1. Introduction to ATS and Keywords1.1 What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?
1.2 The Role of Keywords in ATS
2. Understanding How ATS Works2.1 How ATS Filters Resumes
2.2 ATS and Keyword Relevance
3. Importance of Keywords in Job Applications3.1 Why Keywords Matter
3.2 Types of Keywords: Hard Skills vs Soft Skills
4. How to Identify the Right Keywords4.1 Analyzing Job Descriptions for Key Terms
4.2 Researching Industry-Specific Keywords
5. Tools and Resources for Finding Keywords5.1 Online Keyword Research Tools
5.2 Leveraging Job Search Engines
6. Tailoring Your Resume to Beat ATS6.1 Customizing Each Application with the Right Keywords
6.2 Keyword Placement Strategies
7. Action Verbs and Their Role in ATS7.1 The Power of Action Verbs
7.2 Top Action Verbs for Resumes
8. Formatting Your Resume for ATS Success8.1 Avoiding Graphics, Columns, and Tables
8.2 Keeping Your Resume Simple and ATS-Compatible
9. Testing and Optimizing Your Resume9.1 Using ATS Simulators
9.2 Seeking Professional Feedback
10. Common Mistakes to Avoid10.1 Keyword Overload
10.2 Ignoring Important Soft Skills
11. FAQs on Beating the ATSCommonly Asked Questions About ATS Systems

1. Introduction to ATS and Keywords

1.1 What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

An ATS is software used by companies to manage job applications. It helps recruiters sort, filter, and rank resumes by scanning them for specific keywords and qualifications that match the job description.

1.2 The Role of Keywords in ATS

Keywords are specific terms and phrases that the ATS scans for in resumes. These are typically industry-specific skills, certifications, or action verbs that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Without the right keywords, your resume may be filtered out, even if you’re qualified.

2. Understanding How ATS Works

2.1 How ATS Filters Resumes

When a company uses ATS, resumes are scanned for specific keywords that match the job description. The system scores each resume based on the presence of these terms, and only the highest-scoring ones are passed on to hiring managers.

2.2 ATS and Keyword Relevance

The ATS doesn’t just look for any keywords; it looks for relevant, job-specific ones. If your resume includes outdated or irrelevant terms, it might still be discarded. Using the exact phrases from the job listing can increase your resume’s chances of making it through the system.

3. Importance of Keywords in Job Applications

3.1 Why Keywords Matter

Keywords are crucial because they determine whether your resume passes through the ATS. Including the right terms means your resume will be more likely to reach human eyes, which significantly increases your chances of landing an interview.

3.2 Types of Keywords: Hard Skills vs Soft Skills

Hard skills are technical abilities like software proficiency or certifications, while soft skills are personal qualities like leadership or teamwork. Both types of keywords are important, but hard skills tend to be more heavily weighted in ATS systems.

4. How to Identify the Right Keywords

4.1 Analyzing Job Descriptions for Key Terms

The easiest way to find the right keywords is by carefully reviewing job descriptions. Look for recurring terms and skills across multiple postings for the same role. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing role, common keywords might include “SEO,” “content strategy,” or “Google Analytics.”

4.2 Researching Industry-Specific Keywords

Certain industries have specific jargon and keywords that are essential for ATS optimization. Researching job boards, professional organizations, and industry publications can help you identify the most relevant terms for your field.

5. Tools and Resources for Finding Keywords

5.1 Online Keyword Research Tools

There are numerous online tools designed to help job seekers find the right keywords. Tools like Jobscan, Resunate, and LinkedIn’s Skills section can analyze job descriptions and suggest keywords you should include in your resume.

5.2 Leveraging Job Search Engines

Job search engines like Indeed or Glassdoor allow you to see the most commonly required skills for certain positions. Searching for a job title and reviewing multiple listings can help you spot the key terms that will be important for your resume.

6. Tailoring Your Resume to Beat ATS

6.1 Customizing Each Application with the Right Keywords

One of the most effective ways to beat ATS is by customizing your resume for each job application. Look at the job description and make sure your resume reflects the specific keywords and skills listed. Avoid submitting the same generic resume for every job.

6.2 Keyword Placement Strategies

Place keywords throughout your resume but ensure they appear naturally. Keywords should be integrated into your job titles, skills section, and job experience. Repetition of key terms should flow within the context of your qualifications and accomplishments.

7. Action Verbs and Their Role in ATS

7.1 The Power of Action Verbs

Action verbs such as “developed,” “managed,” or “led” play a key role in conveying your achievements. These verbs are often weighted by ATS and demonstrate how you’ve actively contributed in past roles.

7.2 Top Action Verbs for Resumes

Some commonly used action verbs for ATS include “initiated,” “executed,” “enhanced,” and “streamlined.” Use these types of words to give a clear and strong picture of your capabilities.

8. Formatting Your Resume for ATS Success

8.1 Avoiding Graphics, Columns, and Tables

Many ATS systems struggle to parse complex formats, so avoid using graphics, images, tables, and multiple columns. Stick to simple, text-based formats to ensure your resume is readable by the ATS.

8.2 Keeping Your Resume Simple and ATS-Compatible

Use standard fonts and headings, and avoid uncommon file formats. PDF and .docx formats are generally safe, but it’s best to confirm the preferred format in the job listing.

9. Testing and Optimizing Your Resume

9.1 Using ATS Simulators

Before submitting your resume, you can test how it will perform in an ATS using online simulators. These tools analyze your resume for keyword matching and format compatibility, providing feedback for improvements.

9.2 Seeking Professional Feedback

Consider having your resume reviewed by a professional resume writer or career coach who is familiar with ATS optimization. They can provide insights on how to improve your keyword strategy.

10. Common Mistakes to Avoid

10.1 Keyword Overload

While it’s important to include keywords, don’t overload your resume with them. Keyword stuffing can make your resume sound unnatural and could be flagged by the ATS. Balance is key.

10.2 Ignoring Important Soft Skills

Don’t focus solely on hard skills—soft skills like communication, leadership, and adaptability are also valuable. These skills can help set you apart from other applicants and are increasingly important to employers.

11. FAQs on Beating the ATS

1. How many keywords should I include in my resume?
A: Aim for a balanced approach. Use enough keywords to match the job description but ensure they fit naturally within your resume.

2. Can ATS systems read resumes with graphics?
A: Most ATS systems struggle to parse graphics, tables, and non-standard formats. Stick to simple, text-based formats to improve compatibility.

3. How can I find keywords specific to my industry?
A: Research job descriptions, industry websites, and tools like Jobscan to identify the most relevant keywords for your field.

4. Should I include keywords in both the skills section and work experience?
A: Yes, distribute keywords throughout your resume, including the skills, work experience, and summary sections for better ATS optimization.

5. Do all companies use ATS?
A: Not all companies use ATS, but a significant number do, especially larger organizations. It’s always safer to optimize your resume for ATS when applying to larger companies.

6. Can I beat the ATS with a generic resume?
A: It’s unlikely. Tailoring your resume for each job with the right keywords is essential for passing ATS filters.


Beating the ATS requires careful keyword research, strategic resume formatting, and tailoring each application to the job at hand. By identifying the right keywords, using them naturally, and avoiding common mistakes, you can significantly improve your chances of getting your resume seen by hiring managers. Remember, the goal is to craft a resume that not only passes through ATS filters but also showcases your skills and experience.

Get your free resume analysis from our expert team today to ensure that you never miss your chance to make a great first impression!

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