How to check if my resume is ATS friendly?

In the past, an ATS was nothing more than a single database used to hold candidate data. The system arranges your submitted resume so that it can comprehend the material when you apply for a job. A “candidate profile” is built using the information in your ATS-friendly resume and any additional materials you submitted. The ATS offers the ability to search, filter, and even rank this profile.

ATS readability

Particularly in the era of “one-click apply” and “work from anywhere,” businesses might receive hundreds or even thousands of applications for a single position. Manually reviewing every single Resume would take much too much time and effort, making it neither efficient nor profitable for a business. Also, it may take up to a year for the selected applicant to learn that they had been hired.

In essence, applicant tracking systems save up recruiters’ time so they can concentrate on crucial duties like conducting interviews with qualified prospects. Currently, most mid- to large-sized businesses employ an ATS to aid in their hiring practises. 99% of Fortune 500 companies that you apply to employ an ATS. Even some of the largest corporations, like Google and Apple, have developed their own applicant tracking systems.

There is, in essence, no way to avoid it. You must make sure your Resume is ATS-friendly. Even if you are absolutely qualified, it’s quite unlikely that you will receive an interview if an ATS can’t read your Resume properly. Make sure you’re following these resume-writing best practises before assessing if your document will pass the “ATS readability” test throughout the job search:

Avoid including crucial information in the header or footer of your resume paper, such as your contact information. Less is more when it comes to your resume structure. Maintain a straightforward, uncluttered resume style without embedded charts, graphics, or strange typefaces.

ATS software

Avoid the right-hand columns. Choose a left-hand rail or column if you intend to utilise a resume layout with columns. ATS does not accept resumes that have a right-hand rail or column, unfortunately.

Make your Resume unique by using pertinent keywords. The “Key Skills” and “Work Experience” sections are especially effective places to use the crucial resume keywords that you identified from the job postings for the particular positions that interest you.

Your resume should be saved as a Word document. Sadly, some ATS resume scanning platforms still have trouble converting PDF, HTML, Open Word, or Apple Pages documents and will ignore resumes that are saved in these file types. Reading integrated tables, symbols, charts, graphics, and other elaborate design components might be challenging for applicant tracking systems. The ATS software that businesses employ frequently either skips over the information present in such visuals or returns it as a load of nonsense. In either scenario, crucial information will be omitted from the system’s submission of your application, harming your chances of winning.

Save a copy of your resume as plain text, then check the results to see what information could be lost or corrupted during the ATS scans. Your resume did not pass the ATS resume screening software test if the plain text version is missing information from your original resume, has some of its characters saved incorrectly, or appears disorganised (for example, the heading for your work history appears in the middle of your key skills section).

ATS resume checker

A pre-formatted resume can be scanned by an applicant tracking system (ATS) resume checker, which is programmed to extract information such as the applicant’s education, job history, and pertinent skills. It will send the Resume to the potential employer if it determines that the applicant’s qualifications and experience are a match for the position.

The fact is that “very few resumes get evaluated top to bottom by a human” when choosing somebody to interview for a job.Using an application tracking system may either streamline or automate the resume search process. The difficulty of getting employment is not just due to the enormous number of job searchers. An applicant tracking system (ATS) might save the hiring team a tonne of time given that each online job ad generates an average of over 250 applications. Resumes that don’t meet the requirements are immediately rejected and never seen by a human.

This is an essential section of a resume for an application tracking system’s (ATS resume checker) objectives. “Keywords” are terminology used in the context of an application tracking system (ATS) resume checker to denote the degree of relevance between your Resume and the open post.


A candidate’s resume may be anticipated to receive a higher score on an application tracking system (ATS) scan if it contains more of the keywords the employer is seeking. Your Resume should already contain the crucial terms for your industry, and the job description is another helpful tool. All in all, there is no possible way to escape it. You must make sure that your resume is ATS-friendly. Even if you are the most qualified candidate, if an application tracking system (ATS) resume checker cannot comprehend your Resume, you probably won’t be invited for an interview.

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