page resume

How to write a one page resume with tips and examples?

Your resume should be one page long almost always. By keeping your resume brief, you may avoid giving a recruiter too much information. Also, it encourages you to highlight just your most noteworthy abilities and accomplishments. This results in a resume that has a lot of impact and is devoid of pointless filler material.

one-page resume

A one-page resume makes it easier for you to sum up your qualifications and professional experience so the hiring manager can quickly assess your suitability for the job. Also, if the hiring manager manages incoming resumes using software, you are more likely to be chosen if you have a focused one-page resume as opposed to a wordy resume that spans many pages. We’ll provide you tips on how to write a one-page resume in this post.

At the beginning of your resume, provide your name, work title, and contact information. This is valid for all resumes, but one-page resumes require extra attention. Make sure the recruiting manager is aware of the address to send an invitation for an interview. Format your name and work title in bold, just a few points larger than the rest of the text, to conserve space. They should be adequately conspicuous as a result.

Experience & Skills

Choose the two prior positions that are most relevant to the one you are applying for if you have more than three or four. In cases when you have a lengthy job history, pick two or three of the most recent and pertinent roles that best represent your experience. Briefly describe your previous employers, the positions you had, the dates you were employed there, and what you performed to earn your qualification for the position. Use the keywords from the job description that was advertised.

Put all of your talents on one line rather than listing them in bullet points. For each talent, use a single word or a brief sentence. This saves space and makes it simple for the recruiting manager to quickly discover the abilities you can provide.

You could have performed comparable duties at three different employers. Combine the three organisations into one line on your resume because the job experience is what matters the most. Make a list of all the activities you carried out at each location. Only state your highest position, if you had distinct titles at each. If applicable, mention your academic degrees and other accomplishments. This applies to any diplomas and other credentials you may have acquired through training. If you have any further education, consider if it would be relevant to the position you’re looking for and whether the hiring manager would want to hear about it. In such a case, list it.

Criterias to write one-page resume

In a resume, it’s traditional to include the phrase “references available upon request,” but you may make room by omitting it. Regardless of whether your CV states this, the hiring manager will probably ask for references during the interview or in a letter of recommendation. Also, if your interests or hobbies are unrelated to the position, you do not need to list them. Inquiries concerning these topics will be made during the interview if the hiring manager is interested in them. Consider putting your ideas in two-sentence bullet points rather than complete paragraphs. Your resume will become more concise and save space as a result. The recruiting manager will have no trouble finding the data they want.

A one-page resume template is what most individuals will utilise. Recruiters often ask for one page, and if you’re an entry-level employee, they will surely ask for no more than one page.

But, if you need to highlight an experience that spans more than 10 years, you might be able to expand your resume to two pages. This is normally only advised if you have a lengthy work history, several accomplishments, and a compelling reason to highlight them all, such as when applying for an executive post.


The most important thing to keep in mind is that your best option is often a one-page resume. You could believe that a resume with all of your information on display is the ideal option, but if hiring managers don’t go down to the second page, you can be doing more harm than good. If you can, try to keep the job application to one page if you have any doubts. Entry-level employees, recent college grads, and those with a few years of work experience should all use a one-page resume. Also, if you’re wanting to change careers and don’t have much experience related to your new objective, you might think about creating a one-page resume.

A one page resume gives the reader the ability to quickly scan it, make a rapid judgement, and choose whether to continue reading it in depth.

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